Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL)

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Congratulations to Graduating Class#24- K9 Commando Program

2017-07-31 17:54:00

The Management & Staff of Amalgamated Security Services Limited congratulates the graduating class #24 of the K9 Commando Program. 

Seen in photo: Graduating class #24 of the Canine Commando Program. The program commenced on 10th July, 2017 and concluded on 25th July, 2017.

  1. #12752 Hakeem Moore
  2. #14770 Nicholas Williams
  3. #13491 Lewis Joseph
  4. #13730 Marvyn Thomas
  5. #11493 Rodney Edmund
  6. #16065 Alex Roopnarine
  7. #16303 Micha Sampson
  8. #16313 Allestiar Harewood
  9. #14564 Jonathan Mitchell
  10. #16064 Samuel Rosales
  11. #6250 Dexter Weeks
  12. #13307 Onassis James

In addition, the Management & Staff congratulates #16313 Allestiar Harewood as the Most Outstanding Recruit.

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